
The Order resource


id - the order's unique identifier in Hive system

merchant_order_id - the order's unique identifier provided by merchant

status - the order's status on Hive side in terms of fulfillment. Possible values:

Status options

fulfillable - will be fulfilled by Hive, normally all orders created via Merchant API are treated as fulfillable by default

unfulfillable - will not be fulfilled by Hive; such a status could be assigned to an order for example when shipping address's country is among blacklisted countries (configured on Hive side by Account Manager) for that shop; also order will have this status after cancellation

fulfilled - order is fulfilled

List all orders

Lists all orders

GET https://app.hive.app/merchant_api/v1/orders

Returns orders ordered by descending creation time.

Query Parameters

    "data": [
            "id": 4962,
            "merchant_order_id": "60423b95-23b5-4e5b-aa1c-6a71bd90b106",
            "customer_order_number": null,
            "status": "fulfillable",
            "carrier_preference": null,
            "created_at": "2022-11-01T17:42:07.409+01:00",
            "financial_status": null,
            "payment_method": null,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "total_price_in_cents": 0,
            "total_net_revenue_in_cents": 0,
            "total_tax_in_cents": 0,
            "total_net_refunds_in_cents": 0,
            "total_tax_refunds_in_cents": 0,
            "shipping_address": {
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "full_name": "John Doe",
                "email": null,
                "phone": null,
                "company": null,
                "line1": "Kassaveti 69",
                "line2": null,
                "city": "Volos",
                "country_code": "GR",
                "postal_code": "38221",
                "parcel_point_id": "12345"
            "items": [
                    "sku_id": 9,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "merchant_item_id": "1",
                    "price_per_unit_in_cents": 0,
                    "price_per_unit_in_cents_with_discount": 0,
                    "merchant_sku_id": "28595522549341"
            "tags": ["first_order"],
            "custom_metadata": null
    "pagination": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "item_count": 1,
        "page_count": 1,
        "items_per_page": 20

Get one order

Gets one order

GET https://app.hive.app/merchant_api/v1/orders/{id}

Path Parameters

    "currency": "EUR",
        "full_name":"John Doe",
        "line1":"Kassaveti 69",

Create a new order

Creates a new order

POST https://app.hive.app/merchant_api/v1/orders

Request Body

    "currency": "EUR",
        "full_name":"John Doe",
        "line1":"Kassaveti 69",

Update an order

Updates an order

PATCH https://app.hive.app/merchant_api/v1/orders/{id}

Path Parameters

Request Body

    "currency": "EUR",
        "full_name":"John Doe",
        "line1":"Kassaveti 69",

Cancel an order

Cancels an order

PUT https://app.hive.app/merchant_api/v1/orders/{id}/cancel

Path Parameters

    "currency": "EUR",
        "full_name":"John Doe",
        "line1":"Kassaveti 69",

Last updated