
Webhooks allow merchants to be notified of significant events. For example, when the delivery status of a shipment changes. When an webhook-supporting event happens, an HTTP POST request will be sent to the URL of your choice.

To set up webhooks, ask your account manager. You need to provide the URL which handles the webhooks.

The following table shows the supported events and the type of payload which will be sent in the request:

Event typeDescriptionPayload


The delivery status of a shipment has changed


The status of a shipment has changed


The delivery status of a restocking shipment has changed


The delivery status of a return has changed

The provided webhooks urls should be idempotent, we cannot guarantee the order of the calls neither the retries attempts for the same call.


Hive signs all webhook requests to prevent malicious actors from sending invalid requests. Requests without the x-hive-signature HTTP request should be ignored. If the header is present, it should match the hex-encoded HMAC-SHA256 digest of the request body, with your API token as the key.

Here's an example of how one would calculate the HMAC-SHA256 digest:

def request_valid?(req) # req is an instance of Rack::Request
  return false if !req.post?
  request_sig = req.get_header("x-hive-signature")
  expected_sig = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("sha256", ENV["API_TOKEN"], req.body)
  Rack::Utils.secure_compare(request_sig, expected_sig)

Last updated